Unlock the power of goal setting with essential oils. Transform your life and make dreams reality. Start achieving goals with essential oils today!
Are you ready to transform your life and forge a path towards your chosen future? Then you need to go through the process of goal setting. Goal setting really does help you to plan your life path, and when you have a plan you can put that plan into action and make your dreams a reality. It is all in the doing!
The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, and creating steps to get there, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You’ll also quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise lure you from your course.
Each step will help you to embrace every moment and live your best life. The transformative powers of essential oils can help you get there! It IS possible to manifest your dreams and create a purposeful path towards your chosen future.
1. The Pen Is Mightier: Write It Down
Magic happens when pen hits paper. Did you know that only 3% of people write down their goals? Incredibly, up to 80% of those that write down their goals actually achieve their goals. Get a blank sheet of paper and a pen and write down a list of goals that you would like to accomplish over the next 10 years. Just start writing and the thoughts will flow.
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates.
Writing down your goal is your declaration that You Want It! Be specific. When you are finished with this exercise you will place it where you will see it several times a day. Make a list of your goals now.
2. Define Your Goal: What exactly do you want?
Is your goal something YOU really want or is it something you think or you’ve been told you should want? Make sure that your goal is important to you personally. Are you clear about what is important for you in your life, and do you make your choices based on this?
If you want to see an overview of the areas where you life goals are most important to you, you can create columns on your paper for the major life areas of satisfaction, otherwise known as the “Life Wheel”. These areas are; Family, Relationships, Health, Career, Finance, Spirituality, Personal Growth/Education, and Recreation. Write down some of the goals that you have under each heading. You can prioritize them once you see them written down.
You can only achieve your goals if you are totally clear on exactly what it is you want.
3. Determine the Strength of Your Desire
Do your goals inspire and energize you?
On a scale of 1 -10, with 1 being very weak and 10 being “I’d do anything to achieve this goal”, how strong is your desire?
The greater your desire, the stronger your inner drive to action towards that goal. Write a number on a scale of 1-10 beside each goal that you have written down.
4. Visualization
Take a few minutes every day to see and feel what it will be like once your goal is achieved. Can you visualize yourself having arrived at your goal? Where are you? How is your life different? What are you doing? How do you feel? What are the benefits of reaching your goal? Be specific. You can write down the new version of you that you want to see once the goal is achieved to help out. The more benefits you can envision, the more energized and inspired you will feel and the greater the pull that goal will have on you. See and feel yourself already there. Use the power of that vision to fuel your actions. It’s ok if the visualization is the same every day.
5. Where are you now? Determine Your Starting Point
What is your starting point? Do you know where you are now, in order to plot the most advantageous and direct course to your destination? With a clear starting point, you can head in the right direction and track your progress. Making a plan is much like mapping your route for a road trip. If you don’t know where you are, you can’t know how to get where you are going.
6. What is Your Time Frame? Set Timelines & Deadlines
When would you like to have the goal achieved by? Have you committed to a deadline? You need to have a deadline in place to help you schedule activities that will get you where you want to be. You need to MAKE the time to MAKE the goal. Once you have the deadline in place you can create achievement dates for the smaller steps that get you to the end. For example, if you need to read a 1,000 page textbook for a course that you want to complete in 30 days, you must read 33 pages each day. If you can’t commit to reading every day, how many days per week will you commit? Adjust the goal to fit into that timeframe.
Have you scheduled time to work on your goal and put that time into your diary? If you are going to read every day, what time will this happen? Will it be 7-8pm each day? Schedule this into our day.
Have you prioritized and eliminated things that are of less, or no, value? We all have the same 24 hours in a day yet some people achieve much more than others. I have always achieved a lot in my life by focusing on activities that I value. I do not value TV. I am willing to do the work to focus on my goals instead of activities that provide low value. Decide on some low value activities in your life and replace them with higher value activities that will help you to accomplish your goal. By doing this, you commit to clearing the way to taking action towards your goal.
7. What obstacles might you face and how will you deal with them?
Forewarned is forearmed. Make a list of possible obstacles that you might you face. Some common obstacles are unsupportive friends and family, lack of motivation, and negative self talk. Beside your list of obstacles create a plan to deal with them. If you encounter an obstacle that is not on our list while you are going through the process of achievement, add it! Don’t forget to allow yourself the grace to mess up every now and then. Pick up where you left off. Babies fall down numerous times but they keep getting up and eventually they walk, and then run! You got this!
8. What are Your Strengths and Resources?
Be your own best resource. Go through the list below, then under your goal, write down the people, and organizations that can help you get there. Look for both in-person and online resources.
Who do you know that can help you?
What organization can help and support you?
Are there networking groups that can help you?
Have you done this before? What helped you to be successful? What could you do differently?
What strengths do you have that will help you move forward?
How can you improve the skills you’ll need to achieve your goals?
What can you do to motivate yourself to reach your goal?
9. Your Roadmap to Success: Make The Plan
You already know your starting point from step 5. Now it’s time to determine next steps. What do you need to do first? Then, break down your goal into small, manageable steps that you can do on a daily basis. For example, if you want to lose weight, make a list of low calorie breakfasts and start making them in the first week. During week two research and begin making low calorie lunches after your low calorie breakfast. During week three focus on dinner, and then snacks. Do you see how after four weeks time you will be eating better by taking small steps?
Create a deadline for each task and plan on tracking your progress.
Accomplishing a goal requires taking a series of small steps. These steps, in turn, become habits. Big successes start with little ones. What daily habits do you need to create?
10. Are you committed? Make A Commitment and Believe In Yourself
Are you merely intrigued or are you fully committed to transforming your life? Those who are merely interested tend to dabble and explore hobbies, while the committed ones unveil the true essence of success.
Repeat the following phrase to yourself: ‘I’m going to try to _________.’
Now, say aloud: ‘I am wholeheartedly committed to __________.’
Feel the power and solidity in that statement; it resonates with the potential to manifest your dreams. To achieve any goal, true commitment is essential. Have you devoted yourself to every necessary action required to make your aspirations a reality? Are you fully dedicated to investing the time, energy, and resources needed?
Take a moment to review your plan and the steps towards your goal. Embrace unwavering belief in your ability to accomplish it. Release any doubts and ensure your expectations are grounded in reality. Together, let’s embark on this transformative journey, where commitment becomes the cornerstone of your inspiring success story.
How can aromatherapy help me achieve my goals?
Aromatherapy can help you to achieve goals by helping your energy level, keeping you focused, motivated and confident. Try this aromatherapy blend in your diffuser as you plan your goals and any time you need an extra push of motivation to keep going on the road to success.
Aromatherapy Blend for Goal Setting and Achievement
Create a synergy blend to help you achieve goals with essential oils, and creating your path to achievement. Place the directed number of drops into an amber glass dropper bottle and store it in a cool dark space. Place 5-10 drops into your diffuser and inhale the oils while creating and executing your plan.
Tangerine – 35 drops: Tangerine essential oil helps to provide energy and enhance creativity.
Peppermint – 15 drops: Peppermint essential oil helps concentration and focus.
Jasmine – 5 drops: Jasmine essential oil inspires confidence.
Bergamot – 5 drops: Bergamot essential oil helps to provide motivation.
Lavender – 20 drops: Lavender essential oil encourages communication.
Basil – 8 drops: Basil essential oil clears the mind to make way for new ideas.
Frankincense – 12 drops: Frankincense reduces stress and helps to open the mind.
Bonus Step: Celebrate
Don’t forget to celebrate the completion of each of the steps along the way. Using the energy of success acknowledges progress and growth, and can help you to be motivated to move yourself forward. Don’t wait until the end to celebrate.
And now it’s time to start. What can you do today to achieve your goals with essential oils?